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Chase Hilbert
Thoughts, school, hobbies and ideas.
Code School
The time has come
This blog post means that I have officially finished my final project with Learn/FlatIron Software Engineering school and ready to get coding!
Code School
Was it worth it?
"Chase, you are already so busy, was this school stuff actually worth it? What will it do for you?"
Code School
Project #4 Rails-JS
Blog post for this project coming soon!
Code School
Project 3: Ruby on Rails - Cellr
This project really showed me the value in feature planning, understanding scope and working in small enough sessions to keep my mind from completely going to spaghetti.
Code School
Sinatra Project - Cellr
For our second project we were tasked with creating a CRUD/MVC app using Sinatra.
Code School
CLI Data Gem 🍻
It's that time... time for my first project at the Flatiron Software Engineering Bootcamp.
Code School
Cheers to a new adventure!
Welcome, it's great to have you here. I know that first impressions are important, so I will keep this brief! My name is Chase Hilbert and I am glad to meet you.